Oficinas abertas
Oficina de direção cinematográfica em filmes de natureza
(Lições aprendidas produzindo televisão que tenta fazer a diferença)

Desde uma ideia inicial até a edição final, o cineasta canadense Todd Southgate propõe nesta oficina uma discussão franca e aprofundada sobre os desafios para fazer um documentário ambiental poderoso e influente.
Não há dúvida de que os documentários em vídeo podem ser ferramentas poderosas para ajudar a promover uma maior compreensão do público sobre o que está acontecendo com o nosso planeta, com nossos bairros e vizinhos (de todas as espécies).
No entanto, contar uma história com vídeo pode ser um empreendimento complexo, dispendioso e frustrante, diante de tantos obstáculos, leis, direitos autorais, logística, custos imprevisíveis proibitivos e muito mais.
Mesmo nesta nova era digital, quando há maior acesso a ferramentas e locais de produção de filmes mais acessíveis para exibir esses vídeos, produzir algo significativo, poderoso e impactante ainda requer um grande grau de planejamento estratégico para garantir que seus esforços sejam bem vistos,, ou no mínimo, que ajudem a fazer a diferença.
Todd se aprofundará na direção cinematográfica de filmes ambientais e de natureza, abordando os seguintes tópicos:
- Ferramentas e conhecimentos que o Diretor Cinematográfico usa para guiar a equipe de filmagem e seu trabalho de direção, da produção à finalização;
- Desenvolvimento do Projeto, Produção de Locações e Personagens
- Iniciando as Filmagens: Equipamentos Necessários e Equipe
- Como utilizar os equipamentos básicos de filmagem (demonstração)
- Filmando Natureza e Animais
- Dicas sobre a Direção e a linguagem cinematográfica: Como fazer a diferença?
- Roteiro de filmagem, pós roteiro de montagem
- Fotografia
- Técnicas de entrevistas para documentários
- Design de som, edição e finalização de som
- Cópias finais, e agora?
Todd Southgate escreveu, filmou, dirigiu e produziu dezenas de vídeos e documentários ambientais para grupos como Greenpeace, ISA, International Rivers, Conservation International e muito mais. Todd também é diretor de fotografia do Discovery / Animal Planet Show “Os Grandes e Ferozes” que passa em 60 países do mundo.
Investimento na oficina: R$150,00 (pagamento no local do evento.)
Local: O Sítio – Arte e Tecnologia
Endereço: R. Francisca Luísa Viêira, 53 – Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis – SC
Data: 16/12 e 17/12
Horário: 18:30 a 21:30

Todd Southgate é diretor / cinegrafista de documentários ambientais. Formou-se mestre em estudos ambientais na York University em Toronto, no Canadá, e também estudou o “Creative Cinematography” (cinema criativo) no Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning e Televisão e Jornalsimo em Mohawk College of applied Arts and Sciences.
Todd trabalhou profissionalmente em televisão como editor, operador de câmera, jornalista, produtor e diretor para canais e redes de televisão tais como CityTV em Toronto e CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
Também dirigiu, filmou e escreveu mais de 50 documentários e programas ambientais para televisão dos mais variados temas tais como a exploração dos mares, mudanças climáticas, desmatamento entre outros. Dessas produções, muitas conquistaram prêmios ambientais prestigiados, incluindo o “Grand Prize” no festival EcoFilm na Europa, em 2000.
De 1998 a 2000, Todd morou em Amsterdã, onde trabalhou no departamento de comunicações do Greenpeace Internacional como o produtor criativo sênior de televisão. No ano 2000, mudou de continente para se envolver mais profundamente na captação de imagens e no trabalho de campo e mora no Brasil desde então. Nos últimos 17 anos Todd focou a sua lente e concentrou suas produções em um dos sistemas ecológicos mais importante do mundo – a Amazônia
Suas imagens da Amazônia têm sido vistas nos vários outros canais e redes internacionais de TV. O documentário “Soja: em nome de Progre$$o“, narrado pelo Marcos Palmeira e dirigido por ele em 2005, conquistou o prêmio de votação popular na II Mostra Internacional de Cinema Ambiental (Midcam). Seu trabalho “Mudanças do clima, Mudanças de vidas (2006)” está sendo distribuído pela Paramount Pictures em formato “home DVD” no Brasil juntamente com o documentário que ganhou o Oscar em 2007: “Uma Verdade Inconveniente”. O filme também ganhou um iBEST para melhor documentário on-line em 2008.
Em 2013 Todd recebeu uma honra da cidade de Florianópolis para seu filme “A Questão Animal”, sobre as problemas das viras latas nas cidades brasileiras, e seu documentário sobre o polemica barragem Belo Monte “DAMOCRACY” narrada pela Atriz Brasileira Leticia Sabetella, recebeu dois prêmios internacionais em 2014, um em Portugal (CineECO – prêmio de filme sobre Ecologia e antropologia) e o outro em Espana (Cine Invisível – prêmio de sustentabilidade).
O trabalho de Todd chamou a atenção do grupo ambientalista Amazon Watch e foi convidado para trabalhar com James Cameron (diretor de Avatar e Titanic) e documentar o trabalho de defesa ambiental do diretor vencedor do Oscar na Amazon (Avatar Alliance Foundation). Desde então, Todd trabalhou com o ganhador do Oscar em mais ocasiões, e as imagens de Todd estão incluídas no documentário de James Cameron, intitulado “Uma mensagem de Pandora”.
Todd está atualmente trabalhando como diretor de fotografia em um novo programa Discovery / Animal Planet sobre os maiores e mais perigosos animais do planeta em conflitos com comunidades, chamado “Os Grandes e Ferozes” (este no Animal Planet no Brasil) e os problemas enfrentados para sua conservação.
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (American Aligartor). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography United States
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Horses). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography United States
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Elephants). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Cobra). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Leopords). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2018 – Biggest and Baddest (Polar Bears). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography ARCTIC
2016/2017 (6 Episodes) Killing Bigfoot. Mississipi Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Belo Monte: Depois da Inundacao. Documentario. 50 minuntes. Director, Writer, editor, Director of photography. 2015 Killing Bigfoot. Mississipi Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Killing Bigfoot. Texas Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Feature documentary. “The Dirty little war behind Chico’s Bar” Writer, videographer, editor, director and producer. National Release FAM (Festival Audiovisual Mercosul) June 2015 Brazil
2015 Short Documentary. Indigenous Protest Brazil. Brazil 15 minutes. Director, DOP, writer, editor. Brazil
2015 Short video. Illegal logging: There is no water without forests. 4 minutes. Director, DOP. Brazilian Amazon
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Poison snakes of Venezuela). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Lions of Uganda). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Gorillas of Uganda). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2013 – Damocracy Independent Documentary. Writer, Director, Editor, Director of Photography. A 35-minute video about the construction of two dams. One in the heart of Mesopotamia, the other in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
2012 – Kayapo Fund – (Conservation International) Director / DOP/ Writer Promotional video Launched Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro.
2012 – A Questao Animal (Independent) Distribution Brazil. Writer, Director, Editor, DOP. A one hour documentary. National release, Brazil, Independent.
2012 – Biggest and Baddest (Crocodiles of Australia). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2012 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Hogs of Louisiana). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2012 – Biggest and Baddest ( Anacondas of Venezuela). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Elephants of Nepal). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Biggest and Baddest (Tigers of Nepal). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Xavantes: Terra e Gado. Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short) Greenpeace
2011 – Piruacu: The Kayapo. Director Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short)
2011 – In search of Alternative Energies in Brazil. James Cameron and Arnold Swartzenegger Travel to the Amazon. Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short) Amazon Watch
2010 – Os Decparecidos. Schurmann Productions. Feature Film. Brazilian Theatrical Release. DOP.
2010 – Lost in the Amazon: The Enigma of Col. Percey Fawcett. Gyphon Producers. PBS Feature Documentary. International distribution. Director of Videography.
2011 – A message from Pandora. Second Camera. DVD Blueray Release of Avatar. Produced by James Cameron.
2009 Schurmann Film Company. Lobo Soliterio (Lone Wolf). Documentary. Director of photography.
2008 Shurmann Film Company. “Amanha e so imaginacao” (Tomorrow is Only Imagination) 15:12 A mini-documentary about the life of Wilhem Schurmann, the world’s top ranked windsurfer. Editor. Writer.
2008 Greenpeace / Scorpions “Scorpions and the Amazon.” 5:20 Video produced for the rockband “the Scorpions” about the problems in the Amazon, played during their live shows in Brazil.
2008 “Papua: Indonesia’s Last Forest Frontier” 3:37. Videographer, writer and editor.
2007 “Nos Sabiamos”. 6 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 “Amazon: In the Hands of a Few”. 6 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 There is no Climate without Forests. 12 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 Greenpeace Television. 15 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2006 ”Mudanças do clima, Mudanças de vidas”. 51 minutes. Director, DOP, writer editor. A one hour documentary highlighting the environmental problems associated with global warming in Brazil. 1,000,000 million copies distributed; over 25,000 with Paramount Pictures included with the Brazil home DVD sales of the Oscar Winning “An Inconvenient Truth”.
2005 – Soy: in the Name of Progre$$. 40 minutes. Director, DOP, writer and editor. A documentary exposing the destructive effects of soy production in the Amazon. Winner: Popular vote “Best environmental Documentary” Midcam Environmental film festival, Natal Brazil.
2004 – Greenpeace: Voices from the Forest. 30 minute Documentary. Amazon. Writer, videographer, editor.
2002 – Greenpeace: Canoes, Compasses and compassion. 30 minute documentary Amazon. Writer, videographer, editor.
1999 – Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: Threatened Peoples, Threatened Cultures. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1998 – Paradise Lost. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1998 – Mediterranean Blues. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1997 – CBC Undercurrents. Videographer / Report.
1996 – Storm over Algoma TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1996 – Eco wars on the Grand Banks– TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
2015 – Honorable Mention, Sorry for the Inconvenience: The Dirty Little War over Chico’s Bar. CineEco, Portugal
2015 – Best Documentary, Popular vote. FAM Festival Audio Visual Florianopolis, Brazil.
2014 – Best documentary in the category of sustainability. Festival Invisible, Bilbao Spain.
2012 – Best documentary in the category of Anthropology / Ecology. Award Cine Eco film festival, Portugal
2008 – Best on-line Documentary. iBEST Award. Brazil. “Mudanças do clima, mudanças de vidas. Como aquecimento global já afeta o Brasil”. 52 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Editor, Videographer
2006 – Best documentary – Viewers Choice. Midcam Natal Environmental Film Festival “Soy: In the name of progress”. 40 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Editor, Videographer & Narrator (English version)
2000 – Grande Prize: Best Documentary. Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: threatened lands, threatened peoples”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer.
2000 – Winner: Main Category in Environmental Education. Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Mediterranean Blues”. 15 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer.
2000 – Winner: Main Category in Global Problems: Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Saving Paradise”. 15 minutes. Credits: Director & Writer.
1998 – Plate of honor. Iran Green Awards. “Year of the Oceans”, 10 minutes. Credits: Director & Writer.
1996 – Awarded: Outstanding Commitment to Animals. Citizen’s Award. Toronto Humane Society of Canada:
1995 – CanPro Gold, Best News Special. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Eco Wars on the Grand Banks”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer
1995 – CanPro Silver, Best News Special. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Storm over Algoma”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Videographer & Editor
1994 – CanPro Gold, Best TV News Series. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Animal Cruelty: Cowards Among us”. 5 x 4 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Videographer & Reporter
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (American Aligartor). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography United States
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Horses). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography United States
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Elephants). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Cobra). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2019 – Biggest and Baddest (Leopords). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography INDIA
2018 – Biggest and Baddest (Polar Bears). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography ARCTIC
2016/2017 (6 Episodes) Killing Bigfoot. Mississipi Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Belo Monte: Depois da Inundacao. Documentario. 50 minuntes. Director, Writer, editor, Director of photography. 2015 Killing Bigfoot. Mississipi Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Killing Bigfoot. Texas Destination America TV series United States / Canada Director de Photgraphy. Gryphon Productions, Canada.
2015 Feature documentary. “The Dirty little war behind Chico’s Bar” Writer, videographer, editor, director and producer. National Release FAM (Festival Audiovisual Mercosul) June 2015 Brazil
2015 Short Documentary. Indigenous Protest Brazil. Brazil 15 minutes. Director, DOP, writer, editor. Brazil
2015 Short video. Illegal logging: There is no water without forests. 4 minutes. Director, DOP. Brazilian Amazon
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Poison snakes of Venezuela). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Field Director & Director of videography
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Lions of Uganda). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2014 – Biggest and Baddest (Gorillas of Uganda). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2013 – Damocracy Independent Documentary. Writer, Director, Editor, Director of Photography. A 35-minute video about the construction of two dams. One in the heart of Mesopotamia, the other in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.
2012 – Kayapo Fund – (Conservation International) Director / DOP/ Writer Promotional video Launched Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro.
2012 – A Questao Animal (Independent) Distribution Brazil. Writer, Director, Editor, DOP. A one hour documentary. National release, Brazil, Independent.
2012 – Biggest and Baddest (Crocodiles of Australia). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2012 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Hogs of Louisiana). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2012 – Biggest and Baddest ( Anacondas of Venezuela). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Biggest and Baddest (Wild Elephants of Nepal). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Biggest and Baddest (Tigers of Nepal). Discovery International / Animal Planet TV series (airdate 2013) Director of videography
2011 – Xavantes: Terra e Gado. Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short) Greenpeace
2011 – Piruacu: The Kayapo. Director Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short)
2011 – In search of Alternative Energies in Brazil. James Cameron and Arnold Swartzenegger Travel to the Amazon. Director. Cinematography, Editor, Writer (video short) Amazon Watch
2010 – Os Decparecidos. Schurmann Productions. Feature Film. Brazilian Theatrical Release. DOP.
2010 – Lost in the Amazon: The Enigma of Col. Percey Fawcett. Gyphon Producers. PBS Feature Documentary. International distribution. Director of Videography.
2011 – A message from Pandora. Second Camera. DVD Blueray Release of Avatar. Produced by James Cameron.
2009 Schurmann Film Company. Lobo Soliterio (Lone Wolf). Documentary. Director of photography.
2008 Shurmann Film Company. “Amanha e so imaginacao” (Tomorrow is Only Imagination) 15:12 A mini-documentary about the life of Wilhem Schurmann, the world’s top ranked windsurfer. Editor. Writer.
2008 Greenpeace / Scorpions “Scorpions and the Amazon.” 5:20 Video produced for the rockband “the Scorpions” about the problems in the Amazon, played during their live shows in Brazil.
2008 “Papua: Indonesia’s Last Forest Frontier” 3:37. Videographer, writer and editor.
2007 “Nos Sabiamos”. 6 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 “Amazon: In the Hands of a Few”. 6 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 There is no Climate without Forests. 12 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2007 Greenpeace Television. 15 minutes. Director, Writer, Videographer and editor.
2006 ”Mudanças do clima, Mudanças de vidas”. 51 minutes. Director, DOP, writer editor. A one hour documentary highlighting the environmental problems associated with global warming in Brazil. 1,000,000 million copies distributed; over 25,000 with Paramount Pictures included with the Brazil home DVD sales of the Oscar Winning “An Inconvenient Truth”.
2005 – Soy: in the Name of Progre$$. 40 minutes. Director, DOP, writer and editor. A documentary exposing the destructive effects of soy production in the Amazon. Winner: Popular vote “Best environmental Documentary” Midcam Environmental film festival, Natal Brazil.
2004 – Greenpeace: Voices from the Forest. 30 minute Documentary. Amazon. Writer, videographer, editor.
2002 – Greenpeace: Canoes, Compasses and compassion. 30 minute documentary Amazon. Writer, videographer, editor.
1999 – Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: Threatened Peoples, Threatened Cultures. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1998 – Paradise Lost. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1998 – Mediterranean Blues. TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1997 – CBC Undercurrents. Videographer / Report.
1996 – Storm over Algoma TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
1996 – Eco wars on the Grand Banks– TV 30 minutes. Director / Director of videographey.
2015 – Honorable Mention, Sorry for the Inconvenience: The Dirty Little War over Chico’s Bar. CineEco, Portugal
2015 – Best Documentary, Popular vote. FAM Festival Audio Visual Florianopolis, Brazil.
2014 – Best documentary in the category of sustainability. Festival Invisible, Bilbao Spain.
2012 – Best documentary in the category of Anthropology / Ecology. Award Cine Eco film festival, Portugal
2008 – Best on-line Documentary. iBEST Award. Brazil. “Mudanças do clima, mudanças de vidas. Como aquecimento global já afeta o Brasil”. 52 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Editor, Videographer
2006 – Best documentary – Viewers Choice. Midcam Natal Environmental Film Festival “Soy: In the name of progress”. 40 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Editor, Videographer & Narrator (English version)
2000 – Grande Prize: Best Documentary. Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Arctic Meltdown, Rising Seas: threatened lands, threatened peoples”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer.
2000 – Winner: Main Category in Environmental Education. Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Mediterranean Blues”. 15 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer.
2000 – Winner: Main Category in Global Problems: Envirofilm Festival, Europe. “Saving Paradise”. 15 minutes. Credits: Director & Writer.
1998 – Plate of honor. Iran Green Awards. “Year of the Oceans”, 10 minutes. Credits: Director & Writer.
1996 – Awarded: Outstanding Commitment to Animals. Citizen’s Award. Toronto Humane Society of Canada:
1995 – CanPro Gold, Best News Special. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Eco Wars on the Grand Banks”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer & Videographer
1995 – CanPro Silver, Best News Special. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Storm over Algoma”. 30 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Videographer & Editor
1994 – CanPro Gold, Best TV News Series. Canadian Excellence in Broadcasting. “Animal Cruelty: Cowards Among us”. 5 x 4 minutes. Credits: Director, Writer, Videographer & Reporter